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Message From The Volunteer Advisory Council
PanCAN PurpleStride 2024 was a HUGE success. YOU turned the nation purple with your volunteer efforts. You welcomed survivors and families who were walking to honor a loved one and let them know that they are not alone on their journey. The millions of dollars raised will go to research and help patients get the resources they need. Many affiliates reached or exceeded their goal.
Congrats to PurpleStride Los Angeles for going over the $1,000,000 mark!
My event, PurpleStride Boston, had the best weather we could have asked for and the most participants ever.
Event day may be over, but donations are continuing to come in to boost all fundraising efforts. The awareness raised at PurpleStride for PanCAN’s mission will continue to reach all parts of our country.
How many of you were totally exhausted after your event? How many are still thinking about seeing all the purple teams and individuals with their loved ones in their hearts or by their side walking as survivors? How many of you are thinking about how to make next year’s event even stronger? As volunteers, your commitment to this cause is unrivaled. You are so appreciated!
I am reflecting upon the conversations I had with individuals; the emotions, hugs, laughs and stories shared. Some faces I had never seen before, while some were returning as friends of PanCAN. Seeing all the Grand Club members proudly wearing their sweatshirts and taking pictures next to their name was a wonderful sight.
Many people came without an awareness of what PanCAN represents or what incredible efforts our volunteers put into making PurpleStride meaningful for everyone who attends. There were many who came up and thanked our volunteer crew.
I loved the new teal “Ask Me About PanCAN” T-shirts and campaign. It was an invitation for people to approach someone in a teal shirt to learn about the affiliate and local volunteer opportunities with PanCAN.
Meeting new teams and returning teams reinforced, for me at least, what we do as volunteers, why we continue to volunteer, and how we go about helping all patients who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is critical. It is also fun to share this special day with others!
Everyone who attends PurpleStride raises awareness, funds, and raises awareness with the hope of increasing the survival rate for others. We appreciate all our teams and individual participants.
Even though the excitement and enthusiasm of PurpleStride is still within us, I encourage each of you to take a moment to thank yourself. You are special. You are appreciated.
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” – Michael Jordan
I am already looking forward to PanCAN PurpleStride 2025.
Congrats to PurpleStride Los Angeles for going over the $1,000,000 mark!
My event, PurpleStride Boston, had the best weather we could have asked for and the most participants ever.
Event day may be over, but donations are continuing to come in to boost all fundraising efforts. The awareness raised at PurpleStride for PanCAN’s mission will continue to reach all parts of our country.
How many of you were totally exhausted after your event? How many are still thinking about seeing all the purple teams and individuals with their loved ones in their hearts or by their side walking as survivors? How many of you are thinking about how to make next year’s event even stronger? As volunteers, your commitment to this cause is unrivaled. You are so appreciated!
I am reflecting upon the conversations I had with individuals; the emotions, hugs, laughs and stories shared. Some faces I had never seen before, while some were returning as friends of PanCAN. Seeing all the Grand Club members proudly wearing their sweatshirts and taking pictures next to their name was a wonderful sight.
Many people came without an awareness of what PanCAN represents or what incredible efforts our volunteers put into making PurpleStride meaningful for everyone who attends. There were many who came up and thanked our volunteer crew.
I loved the new teal “Ask Me About PanCAN” T-shirts and campaign. It was an invitation for people to approach someone in a teal shirt to learn about the affiliate and local volunteer opportunities with PanCAN.
Meeting new teams and returning teams reinforced, for me at least, what we do as volunteers, why we continue to volunteer, and how we go about helping all patients who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is critical. It is also fun to share this special day with others!
Everyone who attends PurpleStride raises awareness, funds, and raises awareness with the hope of increasing the survival rate for others. We appreciate all our teams and individual participants.
Even though the excitement and enthusiasm of PurpleStride is still within us, I encourage each of you to take a moment to thank yourself. You are special. You are appreciated.
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” – Michael Jordan
I am already looking forward to PanCAN PurpleStride 2025.
-Submitted by Janice Griffin, VAC Co-chair