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Message from the Volunteer Advisory Council
Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and Beyond
Pancreatic cancer remains one of the most challenging cancers to prevent, diagnose, or treat. That’s why November is so important. It’s the month dedicated to raising awareness for pancreatic cancer.
We wore purple for World Pancreatic Cancer Day on Thursday, November 21 of this year and let everyone know what this purple stands for. We spread the word to our television networks, radio stations, schools, and religious institutions. We shared with our doctors, nurses, hospitals, and state and local health departments. We spoke with our Rotary, Lions, and Elks Clubs, to name a few. We reached out to our employers, local newspapers, colleges, universities, municipal centers, and senior centers to educate everyone.
Several affiliates held PanCAN PurpleLight events during November, not only to bring awareness to pancreatic cancer, but as a way to remember all our family, friends and people we have known throughout the years that we have lost to this horrible disease. We have honored so many survivors that have battled and continue to battle.
So much effort and emotion go into our Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month campaign in November, but how do we continue this momentum through December?
Bruce Platt, Philadelphia Affiliate Chair, adds, “Continuing our efforts into December can be an easy addition to our holiday plans. When decorating for the holidays, include purple in your decorations to support our cause. Invite your PanCAN PurpleStride sponsors to display a purple tree in their offices as well. Also, if you are having a tough time finding a gift for someone, you can always donate in their honor.”
Angeli Bateman, Dallas - Fort Worth Affiliate Chair, echoes sliding in PurpleStride into the season. “How great would it be to create a wonderful thank you card for past PurpleStride sponsors? It could be an easy Canva creation, or if you have someone tech-savvy, create a video message and tell them with a festive video. And when sending your video, invite them to show their support like Bruce’s purple tree suggestion."
No matter the time of year, we will remember, we will honor, and we will spread the word not just for the month of November, but far beyond it.
We wore purple for World Pancreatic Cancer Day on Thursday, November 21 of this year and let everyone know what this purple stands for. We spread the word to our television networks, radio stations, schools, and religious institutions. We shared with our doctors, nurses, hospitals, and state and local health departments. We spoke with our Rotary, Lions, and Elks Clubs, to name a few. We reached out to our employers, local newspapers, colleges, universities, municipal centers, and senior centers to educate everyone.
Several affiliates held PanCAN PurpleLight events during November, not only to bring awareness to pancreatic cancer, but as a way to remember all our family, friends and people we have known throughout the years that we have lost to this horrible disease. We have honored so many survivors that have battled and continue to battle.
So much effort and emotion go into our Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month campaign in November, but how do we continue this momentum through December?
Bruce Platt, Philadelphia Affiliate Chair, adds, “Continuing our efforts into December can be an easy addition to our holiday plans. When decorating for the holidays, include purple in your decorations to support our cause. Invite your PanCAN PurpleStride sponsors to display a purple tree in their offices as well. Also, if you are having a tough time finding a gift for someone, you can always donate in their honor.”
Angeli Bateman, Dallas - Fort Worth Affiliate Chair, echoes sliding in PurpleStride into the season. “How great would it be to create a wonderful thank you card for past PurpleStride sponsors? It could be an easy Canva creation, or if you have someone tech-savvy, create a video message and tell them with a festive video. And when sending your video, invite them to show their support like Bruce’s purple tree suggestion."
No matter the time of year, we will remember, we will honor, and we will spread the word not just for the month of November, but far beyond it.